lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Life Plan

Habit 1

1. Which of the 7 Habits do you think will be most difficult for you and why?
Seek first to understand, because there are many times when I don’t listen to people.

2.What is the difference between and Paradigm and a Principle? Give an example of each to help explain your answer.
A paradigm is an idea someone has in mind about something, for example, I dont thing I can get in to varsity, I’m to bad at soccer. Insted a principle is a kind of rule or value that everyone should have, is something that everybody follows for well being of human society. A principle could be honesty, service, love, etc.

3. Give an example of a paradigm of self that helps you.  Give an example of a paradigm of others that hinders you.
A paradigm that can help me could be that I don’t think I would ever lose my schoolarship. Another that could hinder me is that Idoubt that I can read a really long book in a month.

4. Do you think you are stuff-centered?  Why or why not?
No, I try to always think in others and how they feel confortable.

5. What would you say are your 5 strongest principles?
Family, service, fraternity, faith, positive talk.

6. Give a quote of phrase that you like to live by.
Sometimes its the people that no one imagines of, that does thing that no one imagines.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015

My Personal Story


      Hey! I’m German Quiroga Moreno, I was born on St. Patrick's Day, on March 17, 2000 with my twin who unfortunately died the same day. Born in a beautiful town called Cd. Obregón, beautiful for its small city like atmosphere, tasty food as cebosos tacos, carne asada and unique coyotas.
I am a child of average height, black hair and brown eyes. I am friendly, a bit sarcastic, but calm when it needs to.
      The first memory I have is when entering third of kindergarten in La Salle, I remember arriving with my parents behind really nervous, that moment only two children came to me and were very friendly, a girl named Andrea and a boy named Ivan. Since that point on they pased to be my best friends. That same year my fathers put me in music class to learn the only instrument that is stringed and percussion at the same time, piano. I went to music school when I was five where I lasted only two years and left to study to the United States.

      The first day in California felt like my first day of kindergarten. I knew no english but the numbers and the alphabet. A week later I understood it, and in three weeks I could write and talk fluently. A year later, in 4th grade of elemantary I got a violin, my second favorite instrument, and entered the school orchestra were presented in several parts, I loved it.
     Fifth grade and finally back to Mexico, it felt wonderful. This was one of my best years, this year I got into track and field to which I owe my best experiences. I entered long jump without knowing a thing and won the first competition of a sector,  that day my mom saw my potential and hired a personal coach. I passed the next competition of the other sector then the following year won Cajeme county which sets me up to the satate tournament the next year.
     Next year the state tournament came and went to Hermosillo. After 5 jumps I surpassed by far the other player’s score to remain in first place. Now I passed to thenationals in Monterrey in four months.
     We arrived to a Sheraton Hotel. Everytime we went to the stadium where we competed we were escorted by many polices and even a helicopter, I felt important. The next day after we arrived I competed in the first elimination were I got second place and passed to the finals which were two days later. I reached the final and for my bad luck I warmed up to early and got tired. In my final jump I jumped perfect, I flew, but unfortunately I fell on my back lost some score. I got 4th place.
     I’m currently cursing freshmen year in high school at Tec de Monterrey. I try to go on the right track in order to have a good future and succeed in life. I have had a short life, I have had many adventures that I will remember my whole life.