I coursed my kindergarden, elementary, and high school in La Salle Cd. Obregon, a lasallian school. My parents chose it insted of any other school for its promotion of human values like faith, fraternity, and service. Everybody got along with everyone, unlike other schools as I have been told. The only downside was some of the teachers, specially PE teachers, they did not take their job seriously and did not give a good class.
I do not remember hoe old I was in my first school but I do remember the first day in La Salle kindergarden. I cried because I was afraid and knew no one. I stopped crying and got calm when I sat next to the teacher. I remember I had to be like that the whole day. I was a really good student I never got a bad attitude report and I learned to read and write really fast, earlier that most of my classmates, thanks to my teachers and parents. I loved going to school and participate in every extracurricular activity available. I always played with my friends and was pretty much happy with no bad memories.
Elementary was a very happy stage of my life.I played every single recess with my friends. In third and fourth grade I went to California to study my english, which really helped me. Later on I returned to Mexico to my same school La Salle. During elementary I participated in karate, baseball, swimming, tennis, soccer, track and field, and playing piano and violin in concerts. I never got a bad attitude report. At first I hated math but later on I loved it.
In secondary school every teacher was good and liked all of them. These years were one of the best, all the generation was very united and everybody got along with everyone. During secondary school I made part of the soccer and track and field varsity. My parents never got called from school but for good things and some times for me talking to much. I had one of the best graes with never getting bellow 9.2 during the whole year.
My parents and I chose Tec de Monterrey because for our point of view at least it is the best High School in Cd. Obregon. At first it was a bit difficult but once you get the hang of it it starts to get easy. In the admission exam I got a good grade being 1356 points. In my first semester the most difficult subject was french by far. My classmates are really good students and persons with whom I got a long really well. Entering to Tec was a really drastic but good change for me. A change that I loved.
I have been in many different extracurricular activities but the ones that I really flourished were soccer, track and field, playing violin, and piano. All these activities were very important for my parents but not more that school. I certainly liked them more than school.