martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

I Am Alive (Andes)

¨I am alive¨
Andres Survivor´s - Documentary Case Study

Name__German Quiroga Moreno__ Date: ___15 Nov 2016_________________
1-     Give a short summary of this story (in your own words in an elaborate answer):
___The day of October Friday the 13th, yes, Friday the 13th, a group of rugby players, some with their families, took a small plane from Argentina to Chile, surrounding the Andes, or so they thought. In the middle of the flight, half way their destination, the pilot makes a huge error and enters the Andes making the plane lose control and crash right in the middle of the Andes. Out of the 45 passangers 33 survived and by the time they herd in the radio that the search mission was aborted leaving them with less hopes. They started dying until 16 were left, no food was left so they started eating the dead corpses to survive. Two men decided to head a direction and after days they found a village were they got help and headed out in helicopters looking for their friends.____
2-     What were your thoughts when you watched the part of the documentary where the survivors started to think about eating the pilot?
__It was the right thing to do, at that moment survival was the first priority and sadly in that case survival meant to eating the pilot.___
3-     What was the most shocking aspect of HUMAN EXPERIENCE you think they went through?
___Having to eat human flesh of their own friends to stay alive____
4-     What do you think you would have done differently?
___Nothing, they survived that is already a miracle._____
5-     What two relatives did Nando lose on the mountain?
___Mom and sister._____
6-     How long did the last survivors stay in the Andes before they were rescued? _72_ days.
7-     Is there anything that you admire them for?
___More than the fisical way they handled it the psicological way, they did notice that they were surviving and did not regret a thing.____

8-     Overall, what did you think of this story?____Very good story that shows you how people do anything for survival._____

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